Mike Cerveni, hailing from Windsor, Ontario, started playing guitar at the age of 11. Heavily influenced by his extremely musical family, he started writing his own songs at the age of 16. Mike’s sound is soulful, and speaks to the heart. His voice is pure, and you can feel the emotion when he sings every note.

“The World You Know” is Mike’s debut album, released in autumn of 2010 featuring songs such as “On Your Mark,” “Right Now,” and “A Moment.” The album “The World You Know” is about coping and getting through loss. We all have tough times, and go through heartache, for Mike, writing was a way to help get out things he couldn’t express.

With the debut of his music video "Right Now" (a song he wrote for his Mother during her battle with cancer), he has consistently gained exposure from radio and television. Mike has had several radio interviews along with his television appearance on CTV.

"I wrote 'Right Now' during my Mom's battle with cancer a few years ago. It was a tough period for everyone and for me, I didn't really know how to express how I felt about the whole situation. I wrote two songs in dedication of her, 'Right Now' and 'A Miracle'.

In 2013, Mike released a single called "What Would You Do?", a song that was inspired by the TV show "What Would You Do?".

"The song is about situations that you could be in and you see someone who needs help. Would you look the other way? If you're walking down the street and you see a couple fighting and the argument escalates, would you do something? If you see a homeless man getting beat, would you pretend as if nothing is happening? Most of us don't do anything and just walk by..", Mike explains.

Mike released "What Would You Do?" June 2013 at the Capitol Theatre with the help of local woman shelter organizations to help promote the awareness against domestic violence. There were also survivor stories and former Miss Canada 2012, Jaclyn Miles, hosting the event.

Mike continued to promote the "What Would You Do?" single and performed at the 2014 Canadian Music Week in Toronto, Ontario. During this time, Mike continued to write new music towards his next album.

In 2017, Mike flew to Germany to work on pre-production on a new song he co-wrote with his relative and started recording it at a studio for 2 days. He ended up finalizing the song back home in Canada which is now the first single called "Forever" off of the new self titled album.

Mike Cerveni's new self titled album, released in March of 2019, is full of heart, soul and dedication. After getting married and starting a family, his new songs are driven by the love for his family. Featuring songs such as "Forever", "I Do" and "Everything's For You", Mike's new album will take your soul on a musical journey of love, and life.

Mike's latest single "Shooting Star", released April 29th 2022, is a heartfelt dedication to his mother, who tragically passed away 14 years ago. Since then, Mike has done a lot of healing and growing up. He is now a father, and having a child is something that changed his perspective on many things, including trying to imagine what it would be like if Mike's mom was around to be able to experience all of those moments she missed. Still, he knows she is there for him, acting as a guardian angel and a guiding light in an unpredictable world.

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